Tuesday, February 21, 2006

christ, lookit all the books

Current mood:freakin' drunk

ok, what kind of dreamland is this?i am currently locked inside of a bookstore at almost 1 am, drinking politically correct beer, listening to ike & tina, while my best friend works her artistic thing on the window display, and i try to control my overwhelming urge to steal everything, or at least to take hostages and lock myself in the back room with a fucking ton of books. i was sort of enlisted to help with the window display, which consists, sadly, of books that have been made into movies (since it's oscar season or what-the-fuck). even more sadly, i appear to be the pop-culture queen of anarchist-town, meaning that i am the one to go to when making a window display of books made into movies. but i will insist that richard matheson's i am legend was, in fact, the inspiration for "the omega man." and i will be pissed when your bookstore has no copy of the name of the rose. or the world according to garp. i guess the point is that, if you're ever lookin to lock someone in your bookstore, don't come looking for me. my politics will go out the window and i will try to take hostages.the other point is that everyone should go by modern times, on valencia at 20th, to admire annie's window display. i helped. and, in some ways, i made things harder. isn't that always the way.

Currently listening:
Proud Mary: The Best of Ike & Tina Turner
By Tina Turner
Release date: 26 March, 1991

Sunday, February 19, 2006

fuck you and your ipod

Current mood:deeply deeply cranky

this is why i hate the way the photo industry is headed:

11 hours at work today, tussling with the "new"digital machine. aren't computers supposed to make our lives easier? ha. 1/3rd the amount of work done in twice the time, while computer geeks breathe in my ear about their favorite photoshop tools and my arms develop repetitive stresses. the prints i make come back for remakes almost as soon as i am done with them, and this machine is so quiet that it scares me. i need whirring and grinding and clunking to denote that there is some sort of progress, noise as a marker of production, of reality. i manipulate images that don't exist in any way i can understand, send them through devices that don't make any noise to prove where they have been, and get, for my efforts, pixelated brides and blotchy porno and children with skin like crocodiles. at least the prints still go through chemistry, so i can still develop cancer at a young age.

the offending creature:

they condensed the custom darkrooms into one tiny, dangerous room to fit this in here, so it could be hooked up to all the other computers that everyone else is injuring themselves on.

ah, the future is a sucky place indeed.

Currently listening:
The Way of the Vaselines: A Complete History
By The Vaselines
Release date: 01 January, 1994