Monday, May 29, 2006

murder of crows

Current mood:strange
wikipedia says that, aside from "literary and fanciful usage," it is universally accepted that a group of crows is called a flock. meaning, i suppose, that only high-falutin' jerks use the word "murder." which is a shame, because it has to be the best phrase ever. a murder of crows.

i have crows heavy on the brain these days. of course, they were everywhere in poland. they watched my trains go by, circled over the fields i wandered through, made raucous noise from the trees of the cities. i am romantically misguided enough to take the constant presence of such a common bird as a good omen of sorts. especially when i started reading legends of poland and found that before converting to christianity in 900-something AD, the people followed a pagan religion that worshipped the rivers and the birds, particularly ravens and crows. hot damn.

and there are more words. i have to get some things down about my trip, have to relate how it turned my head around in the best possible way. but i am still waiting for the words to form. they have a long incubation process, these words.

in the meantime i ponder crows ... and how carrion birds can be gods.
Currently listening:
C is for Cookie
By Sesame Street
Release date: 19 September, 1995